Wednesday, January 1, 2025

omg I found my blog page again!

I think I'll start doing daily photos again.  Don't know if anyone will see it, but OMG it will help me getting back into photos again! 

Let the shooting begin again!  I'm so excited to start once again!  

Sunday, March 27, 2016

a quick mini boudoir

Just a few shots of a mini boudoir session I did that I was told that I could post.  Boudoir sessions aren't always about sex but how to feel happy and sexy with your body no matter what size or age you are.

Friday, August 22, 2014

2 brothers and a sister

I love it when I have a midday photo session and all things come together!  The kids were wonderful, the weather was not to hot plus the time just went by because everyone was relaxed and had a good time.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

beautiful redhead

I love her freckles and red hair and it's true what they say about the eyes being a window to the soul, she has beautiful eyes and a great soul. . 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

momma & her boys

 Another mini session, I absolutely love these photos of this momma and her boys even if they didn't want their photos take they still turned out great!  Can you tell how much she loves her boys!

summer family session

A mini photo session before heading back to Maryland with this wonderful family. 

Monday, July 28, 2014

summer manternity session

I got the pleasure of doing a maternity session over the summer and if she not one of the most beautiful pregnant women you've ever seen I'll eat my hat!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Random photos

a few random photos that I think are pretty cool and the best thing is so did my photography teacher. 
BTW all photos are for sale if you would like a copy email me.  <3 p="">

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Couple of Cuties

a couple of cuties for a quick improvised photo session, are they not the cutest?

Thursday, December 5, 2013


brothers, love the way these photos turned out.  There's not many ~if any at all~ photos of (older) brother on line.  You can find all sort of photos of sisters at any age and young brothers but really any of photos of brothers older than 10 without them in a group of some sort.  So I had to figure out what I wanted to them to do, good thing they are yin and yang in their personalities. One easy to smile and the other with a more serious outlook but as one brother told me they balance each other out.  I think he's right.  


Saturday, October 19, 2013

sisterly love

took these photos in the spring, beautiful day and beautiful girls.  You can tell they love each other and the way the big sister is holding on to her sister you can tell that she'll be there for her forever!